Thursday, February 28, 2013

Bristol Bay fisherman fined for unlawful delivery

From the Alaska State Troopers:

Location: King Salmon
Type: Sentencing
On 2/27/13 KJ Herman, 58, of Kodiak, was arraigned in Naknek District Court on one count of delivering salmon outside of the district in which they were taken. Herman pled guilty to the charge and was fined $3,000 fine with $1,500 suspended. He also was placed on probation for one year. During the investigation, King Salmon Wildlife Troopers determined that Herman caught approximately 2,000 pounds of salmon in the Ugashik District and delivered them to a processing plant in Port Moller. In Bristol Bay, salmon must be delivered in the same fishing district in which they are caught.


  1. ive met kj ,,,quite a character

  2. Stupid law on many accounts, they are his fish and he caught them, should be able to sell them wherever
    he wants. Secondly what percentage of BBay fish are caught "over the line" , technically not in any fishing district.

  3. Or Caught in Area M, where millions of Bristol Bay Fish are delivered to Port Moller?

    I guess that Ugashik Cannery, closed down in 1970, has yet to make it into a ADF&G News report, or any Court record either.

    Then there's the Yukon Kuskokwim Salmon delivered to Port Moller?

    Then you can go over to the Pacific Side of that WASSIP report, where every salmon stock stock in the State; all the way to the Bering River get delivered to Sand Point?


  4. I agree, they are KJs fish let him sell where he wants, stupid law.We should not be pigeonholed into selling to a particular buyer and I would think this would be in violation of free enterprise laws.

  5. Ive met KJ too, he is a lifetime fisherman, and a good guy

  6. Its all about the fish tax in Ugashik
