Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dutch Harbor report

From the local police blotter, as reported by the Unalaska Advertiser:

Suspicious activity, July 18 — Second-hand report of a flare being fired over the bow of a local tugboat. An officer contacted several potential witnesses and participants but was unable to ascertain the identity of the culprit.

Animal, July 18 — Officer drove around with a small, collarless dog in his patrol car until he found someone who could identify it. The owner was eventually identified and located, and was most grateful to again have his pooch.

Animal, July 19 — Caller reported a howling, possibly injured dog across the street. The responding officer found a healthy, safe dog very interested in nearby foxes and eagles.

Assault, July 19 — Officers responded to a reported assault in the Grand Aleutian hotel lobby, and met with several people involved in the alleged incident. The victim, who had certainly been struck in the eye, identified as the assailant a man who had multiple witnesses to attest that he was not in fact the perpetrator. In spite of the presence of many people in the lobby at the time, no substantive leads to other suspects could be developed.

Trespass, July 20 — Officer issued a trespass advisement for all UniSea property, per UniSea management.

Domestic disturbance, July 24 — An argument between a man and his girlfriend which started with the destruction of their respective Hungry-Man dinners escalated to further acts of violence. The woman, allegedly upset over an insulting comment, grabbed a thick stalk of bamboo and smacked her loved one on the back. The woman's actions were verified by her young daughter. Brynn S. Decker, 27, of Unalaska, was arrested on one count of assault.

Welfare check, July 24 — Officer checked on a drunk who had phoned the police station several times with ambiguous statements about activities in his home. The officer learned that the drunk, who had taken for himself the moniker "Iceman," may have had a disagreement with his roommate over the temperature in the house but due to his intoxication could not remember whether they had actually argued or not.

Fire response, July 25 — Fire and EMS personnel extricated the driver of a forklift which had fallen over on a dock.


  1. Typical redneck drama out in Dutch Harbor. I love it!!!

  2. I wish that Deadliest Catch would talk about the seafood processors that work in Dutch Harbor and all of the problems that some of them cause out there.
