NOAA's Office of General Counsel reports these cases charged in November:
• F/V Jennifer Lee — Owner Jennifer Lee Inc. and operator Adam Lee Swanson were charged jointly and severally under the Northern Pacific Halibut Act with failing to return halibut discards to the sea with a minimum of injury. An $8,800 NOVA (notice of violation and assessment) was issued.
• F/V New Venture — Owner New Venture Fisheries LLC and operator Peter T. Wilson Jr. were charged jointly and severally under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act with fishing for Pacific cod in violation of an inseason action, closure or adjustment. $5,031 in seized proceeds were forfeited by abandonment. A $5,750 NOVA was issued, and the case settled for $5,175.
• F/V Cape Caution — Operator Kerby Glen Mitchell was charged under the Northern Pacific Halibut Act with fishing for halibut in violation of the act's annual management measures. Specifically, he possessed onboard a vessel Pacific halibut that had been filleted, mutilated or otherwise disfigured in any manner. 232 pounds of chunked northern Pacific halibut were forfeited by abandonment. A $2,050 NOVA was issued.