Tuesday, July 16, 2024

More Bristol Bay fishermen cited

From the Alaska State Troopers:

Location: Naknek section
Type: Commercial fish closed period
On 7/13/24 Evsevy F. Reutov, 44, from Homer, was cited by the Alaska Wildlife Troopers for commercial fishing during a closed period in the Naknek section.

Location: Egegik
Type: Commercial fish closed period
On 7/12/24 Elizabeth J. Rose, 45, from Mantua, Utah, was cited by the Alaska Wildlife Troopers for commercial fishing during a closed period in Egegik.

Location: Kvichak section
Type: Commercial fish closed period
On 7/12/24 Peter Anthony Aliotti, 39, from Monterey, Calif., was cited by the Alaska Wildlife Troopers for commercial fishing during a closed period in the Kvichak section.

Location: Egegik
Type: Commercial fish closed period
On 7/10/24 Aaron J. Brockhoff, 51, from Montesano, Wash., was cited by the Alaska Wildlife Troopers for commercial fishing during a closed period in Egegik.

Location: Kvichak Bay
Type: Commercial fish closed waters
On 7/10/24 Savaty G. Basargin, 21, from Sterling, was cited by the Alaska Wildlife Troopers for commercial fishing in closed waters in Kvichak Bay.

Location: Naknek-Kvichak District
Type: Commercial fish closed waters
On 7/9/24 Jason W. Schultz, 53, from Washougal, Wash., was cited by the Alaska Wildlife Troopers for commercial fishing in closed waters in the Naknek-Kvichak District.

Location: Naknek-Kvichak District
Type: Commercial fish closed period
On 7/3/24 Colby David Root, 62, from Oakwood, Colo., was cited by the Alaska Wildlife Troopers for commercial fishing during a closed period in the Naknek section of the Naknek-Kvichak District.

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