Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Four Prince William Sound fishermen cited

From the Alaska State Troopers:

Location: Valdez
Type: Illegal driftnet operations
On 6/20/24 Kiril Reutov, 33, of Wasilla, was issued a citation for operating a commercial salmon drift gillnet within 60 fathoms of a commercial setnet in Falls Bay, Eshamy District, western Prince William Sound.

Location: Valdez
Type: Illegal driftnet operations
On 6/20/24 James Andrews, 30, of Seward, was issued a citation for operating a commercial salmon drift gillnet within 60 fathoms of a commercial setnet in Falls Bay, Eshamy District, western Prince William Sound.

Location: Valdez
Type: Illegal driftnet operations
On 6/24/24 Richard Eckley, 22, of Cordova, was cited for operating a commercial salmon drift gillnet within 60 fathoms of a commercial setnet in Falls Bay, Eshamy District, western Prince William Sound.

Location: Valdez
Type: Commercial fish closed waters
On 6/24/24 Kenneth Cary, 58, of Cordova, was issued a citation for commercial fishing within 500 yards of a salmon stream, which is closed waters, near Eshamy Bay, western Prince William Sound.

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