Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Feds detail several enforcement actions

The NOAA Office of General Counsel reports the following Alaska cases charged in May:

• F/V Pacific Star — Owner Pacstar Inc. and operator John P. McCarthy were charged jointly and severally under the Magnuson-Stevens Act for interfering with the sampling procedure employed by an observer by discarding catch before sampling. A $3,000 NOVA (notice of violation and assessment) was issued.

• F/V Farrar Sea — Owner RLB Vessel LLC and operator James Carl Wilson were charged jointly and severally under the Magnuson-Stevens Act with failing to log four fishing trips in the Observer Deploy and Declare System. A $5,750 NOVA was issued, and the case settled for $5,175.

• F/V Marathon — Owner Marathon Fisheries Inc. and operator Martin Stam were charged jointly and severally under the Magnuson-Stevens Act with exceeding the maximum retainable amount of groundfish bycatch on two trips. A $4,105.33 NOVA was issued, and the case settled for $3,694.79.

• F/V Saga — Owner Inter-Cooperative Exchange and operator Jakob Anderson were charged jointly and severally under the Magnuson-Stevens Act with making an IFQ crab landing without holding a crab IFQ permit or a crab IFQ hired master permit issued under their name. A written warning was issued.

• F/V Dawn — Owner Dawn Fisheries LLC and operator Matthew Rohde were charged jointly and severally under the Magnuson-Stevens Act with exceeding the maximum retainable amounts of redstripe rockfish and silvergray rockfish in the Gulf of Alaska. A $5,119.68 NOVA was issued.

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