Friday, March 15, 2013

More charges filed in geoduck fishery

From the Alaska State Troopers:

Location: Craig
Type: Overlimit of geoduck clams, falsify fish ticket
On 3/15/13 Alaska Wildlife Troopers, Klawock Post, cited Marc Reynolds, 55, of Kingston, Wash., for harvesting an overlimit of geoduck clams on 11/1/12. Reynolds was further charged for falsifying an Alaska Department of Fish and Game fish ticket related to that overage. Arraignment set for 3/29/13 in Craig District Court.

Location: Craig
Type: Use of dive gear during commercial geoduck closure
On 3/15/13 Alaska Wildlife Troopers, Klawock Post, cited Marc Reynolds, 55, of Kingston, Wash., on two counts of unlawful use of dive gear. Reynolds was observed in the water with dive gear during a closed period on two separate occasions. Arraignment set for 3/29/13 in Craig District Court.

Location: Craig
Type: Use of dive gear during commercial geoduck closure
On 3/15/13 Alaska Wildlife Troopers, Klawock Post, cited Patrick Davis, 40, of Ketchikan, on two counts of unlawful use of dive gear during a closed period. Arraignment set for 3/29/13 in Craig District Court.


  1. Way to go troopers. The dive fishery has been dirty for way too long.

  2. The problem is that it never happened. One goofball got boarded and made an accusation against another boat. The overlimit charge is from the divers putting themselves on an 800 pound limit. It is very hard to guess exact weights. 80 lbs over got a bunch of guys tickets.
