Tuesday, January 15, 2013

NOAA discloses halibut enforcement cases

These items are taken from a NOAA fisheries enforcement report to the International Pacific Halibut Commission.

• A $64,260 NOVA (notice of violation and assessment) was issued to Brian Kandoll, the operator of the F/V Providence, for harvesting 10,344 pounds of halibut in Area 3A and reporting that he harvested that halibut from Area 3B in 2011.

• Nikolai Yakunin was ordered to pay a fine of $3,000 and placed on three years of probation and Kristjansson Laxfoss was ordered to pay a fine of $2,000 and placed on two years of probation for their roles in retaining, processing and transporting halibut with the C/P Lady Gundy and the F/V Wonder Worker without the proper permits.

• A $19,750 NOVA was issued to Christopher Dutton and Aquatic Edge Expeditions for operating a vessel in Area 2C with one or more charter vessel anglers onboard that caught and retained halibut without an original charter halibut permit onboard in August of 2011. The NOVA also included one count of possessing halibut that had been cut into pieces smaller than allowed by regulations.

• A $30,300 NOVA was issued to Sidney Bouschour for operating a vessel in Area 3A with one or more charter vessel anglers onboard that caught and retained halibut without an original charter halibut permit onboard in August of 2011.

1 comment:

  1. To stop this take away the IFQ.From now on!!!!!
